Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hey ! [L]emon is back and she feel like blogging some things about her favourite band, Mayday. Haha.

21 July : Mayday's 2004-2006 Final Home Concert DVD/VCD is released in Taiwan. Yeah ! It consists of all the full contents of their concerts in 12 cities and backstage records, a total of 4 hours and 30 mins. The DVD is 2+1 and VCD is 3+2 and free postcards for DVD and free poster for VCD. It will be released in Singapore on Monday which is tomorrow ! Hehe. Why am I blogging about it ? Because I feel that it is really a worth to buy. Also, I think it is a prefect gift for friend. I am thinking whether to get it for a friend of mine whose birthday is today, 23 July. Hehe. Anyway, I hope to get mine soon as I ordered directly from Taiwan.

I added one of our FM tutors, Mr Chu in MSN a couple of hours ago. After we both said hi to each other, the next thing he asked me was: Are you a fan of Mayday ? Haha. Then, he asked me whether I went for their concert last year. He told me he went for the concert too and he was at the second row from the front ! I was at the eighth row from the front. He also told me he went with his ex students who are fans of Mayday too. Anyway, I was surprised that he went for the concert. An additional fan of Mayday. Haha.

Thanks Mr Chu for sending me the photos he took during the concert ! If you want to take a look at the photos, feel free to ask me for the link. =)


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