Saturday, July 22, 2006

beautiful Saturday isn't it?

hahaz.. a great Saturday today!

just finish reading cum flipping newspaper.. hahaz.. i think Saturday newspaper is the one i'll spend more time reading bah.. yep.. today topic for Saturday section is about abuse.. too bad.. i no interest in abuse.. so never read..

hmm.. read and read..

then found out Lee Hsien Yang is quitting SingTel.. and in an interview in the Money section.. he said something which i think very interesting.. that is "never say 'never' because you might regret saying never".. hmm.. i think this sentence is interesting to me.. yep..

then got article titled "my tutor the TV" quite interesting.. the writer mention something like the standard of english in school isn't that good.. and instead of improving one's command of english, it can cause the other way.. etc...

k la.. going to eat Mac breakfast with Mum.. hahaz..

actually wanted to redo the to do list.. nvm bah.. hahaz..

oh ya.. to get attention.. do something new.. like the to do list.. hahaz.. change style then got a few people tag.. hahaz.. k.. i not attention seeker anyway.. =P

[J]in [L]in
start your day by reading the newspaper bah..


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