Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Youth Day

hey guys.. tomorrow is our day.. hahaz.. still young wor..

so what present we got?

Mr Sia Chi Square tutorial.. and Mr Yeo tutorial 8.. yep..

as for Chem.. do e basic revision exe if you haven't done it.. yep.. and also look through the MCQ qn..

Physics mah.. guess nothing much.. except charged psrticles if you haven't finished.. yep..

as for the donation envelope.. only left a few haven't handed in.. so do bring it filled heavily if you haven't handed in.. hahaz.. so far collected $21.70..

hmm.. guess nothing much le bah..

so guys.. enjoy your Youth Day bah.. hahaz..

oh ya..

as for the Common Test.. hmm.. be it good or bad.. guess it isn't good for majority bah.. let's Jia You together k guys.. we can do it de.. so don't ever have the thought of giving up hor.. you never what the best you can do until you give it your best shot.. so.. i believe with earlier revision.. best starts from now.. and sufficient practice of different Qns.. ke yi de!

hmm.. alright.. that's all bah.. =]

oh ya.. recently weather isn't very friendly.. so do drink more water k? and rest well.. see you guys refreshed next tues then.. =]

[J]in [L]jn

guess this beautiful picture is taken from where?

hahaz.. it's our school wor.. nice right?


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