Saturday, June 24, 2006

,,,when one's mood is bad,,,

hmm.. alright.. yesterday.. yesterday my mood isn't very good.. ya..

then i stared at my hp for sms.. from 2pm to 6pm.. none.. k.. nvm.. so i decided to cancel it.. heard ting n beng said they didn't know need to reply.. so.. alright..

but then.. can you imagine.. everyone gathered and wait for A whom we think will go.. but in the end we called A he or she says not going..

or we don't expect A to go.. and left liao.. in the end.. A is late and sees no one when reached..

actually wanted to sms again.. but then i didn't in the end.. because i think it'll sound as though i'm desperate to ahve people go.. forcing people to go the outing.. and i myself didn't like to be forced.. so i also don't want to force people.. yep..

hmm.. whatever.. i'm quite disappointed yesterday la.. only 5 people sms.. then online i got ask 4 people.. but total comfirm going de only 5 people including me.. alright.. whatever.. not bothered by it liao le..

anyway.. really sorry to those who said want to go de.. but i cancelled it.. yep..

to those who had no intention to go and never reply de.. i've nothing to say..

hmm.. added on to my low mood yesterday.. mr sia called.. 1st sentence.. "jinlin ah.. ni zai gao she me gui........." etc... he said our class didn't do well for FM.. he said 05s27 better..

hmm.. guess he's disappointed with our class..

[J]in [L]in


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