Saturday, June 24, 2006

great day

hahaz.. k.. i love e uploading.. it's fast.. hahaz.. unlike last time.. wait til i become giffra..

so today's very fun.. hahaz.. despite a loud thub on e ground for bout 5 times.. n blue black on my butt.. n e tears.. it's still fun.. yep.. most important fall down le must stand up again.. yep..

really thanks alot.. =]

here's some photos.. some are funny.. hahaz.. we laughed like no business on e mrt.. and took pic like we own e whole cabin.. hahaz..

1st of all.. ming yang in action.. hahaz..

hahaz.. this one.. actually not intending to take mingyang de.. liting was taking chian wen n her.. but she moved too fast and opps.. here's e photo appeared.. hahaz..

having fun with the frames.. hahaz..

the special effect...

this is taken before we started roller blade..

this is taken after we changed..

before we headed to parkway parade..

k la.. that's all.. hahaz.. my butt really hurts.. blue black la..

oh ya.. chian wen.. hopefully your wound is doing fine.. yep..

k la.. take care guys.. see you on monday..


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