Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Slack + Physics

Slack Slack Slack.... This seems to be how it is these days... haha... everyone has some sort lost their mood to study. As for me, I am the slack ka liao... haha.. I spend a little more time than all the others slacking haha... After slacking for so long, i am becoming tired of it. At the same time, pretty worried about next year. Looking at the content page in the TYS, you should notice that we are not even halfway through the syllabus yet. I think this is pretty disturbing. I have this feeling that i learned nothing new this year. But after looking through my files, there is indeed much new stuff that is taught. Anyway, I feel that next year we will have a hard time struggling. So much to do, so little time.

In secondary school, physics was my favourite subject. Somehow after coming to JJ, i started to lose the passion for it. I guess it is because of the poor physics standards (both of students and teachers, etc.) here. Haiz.... Its pretty sad. I seem to have no faith in the physics department. Somehow, i think they are not pushing hard enough. In other words, slack!! haha... I really hope some miracle might happen next year, than the sch will do something about the physics lessons.

The crap about people failing tests shows that they do not understand implies that the lectures are too fast, this i think is total bullshit. And the largest pile of dung is the ideology that everyone should accept the same fate and bear with the slow slow turtle speed lectures. Maybe the brain up there has the record breaking score for IQ of 0... who else could come up with such a brainless strategy. No wonder some people are always what they are as they never make any progress. Even a three year old kid can tell you that a win-lose situation or a 50-50 situation is a better choice than a lose-lose situation. I think the teachers should see a Shrink as they need a brain shrinking specialist to put their brains back into shape.

Anyway, i think we cannot rely on the totally unreliable physics department in JJ... haha... or we will live to regret. But neither should we regret to live.. Just look on the brighter side of things =D!!! When there is a will, there is a way. erm... so to find the way earlier, make your 'will' earlier haha!!!! =P

Study hard and play hard.
Da Xiong...


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