Saturday, October 15, 2005

05 nian 28 ban

hmm.. just read the previous posts.. heez.. so happy got people post.. oh ya.. firstly want to comment about yeeloong.. he mentioned the mass dance part.. hmm.. really arh.. i was shock leh.. yuan lai shi ni men.. hahaz.. but it's not relevations day.. that day is still J2 OGL de.. and i'm crying that day.. hahaz.. hmm.. i think is during the admin days.. hahaz.. i can remember me dancing with 2 guys.. cause no girls want to dance with you all mah.. i so good.. ha.. JK la.. hmm.. that time i was like how hur? so a while dance with yeeloong, a while dance with wei yuan.. hahaz.. i can remember dancing with 2 guys, but totally can't remember is the 2 of you.. hahaz.. really hen qiao.. ahhaz.. now think about it, also paiseh sia.. hahaz..

hmm.. tomorrow going sentosa with my 1st 3 mth class.. will be fun i know.. but the people turning up not all.. girls only sophie and me.. maybe got 1 more bah.. hmm.. but tomorrow go also can't play much.. still on recovery.. ha.. so no sea water and not too much sun tomorrow.. maybe i should wear diving suit tomorrow.. hahaz.. long sleeve, can cover from sun.. then water proof mah.. alright, i'm talking nonsense.. hahaz..

anyway, you guys have been very great.. being in this class, i've also changed a bit.. become more understanding bah.. learn to trust, learn to listen, learn to be responsible and efficient, learn to care and share.. thanks alot.. i think this class does make us grow up..

k la.. take lotsa care guys.. may happiness and luck follow each and everyone of us..

[J]in [L]in


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