Saturday, October 15, 2005

My Class

Hello, its a Saturday morning. You must be wondering why am I so crazy to be up at 6pm if there's no school? Why, wo ye bu xiang de... but I went to use the toilet and all of the sudden, a saw blood flowing out from my left nostril. Its quite eerie to have a nose bleed so early in the morning haha... A few hours back while a was having desert at jurong point with mei hong, ming yang, jin lin and xiao jun, my right nostril bleed.haha.. somehow, i think my body is trying to strike a balance (right side first than left side bleed). I think i really scared Jin Lin haha.. So sorry ah.... as i said, wo ye bu xiang de... Anyway, since i am up, and the bleeding has stopped, i decided to drop by to blog hehe...

I wonder why everyone has this feeling that the class might break up, therefore, we felt more "close" recently. Well, always look on the bright side, we might still be together. Anyhow, I shall add a piece of my mind regarding our class!!

Over the years, I had been from primary school to secondary school and now to a JC. I must admit that this is the first time i mixed around so well with everyone. In sec sch, i had this "phobia" about girls. I myself don't understand why. So I used to shun away from females. That made people think i was gay.. haha... but just for your assurance, i am not.. After coming to this class, the phenomenon was reversed. Somehow, i managed to regain confidence and start talking to everyone. In sec sch, teachers used to comment me as a quiet person as i am usual very "introvert" haha... like to zhi bi. But now, I am a changed person... I had been the lame and chatty person you call da xiong. I am no longer who is used to be. To me, i feel i had changed for the better. Thank you S28... Without you people i would still be having the semi zhi bi zhen. haha..

As we are together for a longer period of time, we begin to know each other better. At first, i thought OGLs are a crazy bunch of people... kept forcing people to cheer and dance... If i did not remember wrongly, during Revelations Day, we had mass dance. At that time, I was dancing with wei yuan. but out of nowhere came this OGL... she wanted us to mixed around with the girls and dance together... but we refused.. so she ended up dancing with both me and wei yuan. We sort of take turns to dance with her... Guess what, maybe its fate, this OGL is now our class rep. hehe... anyway, when i got to know her, my impression was, wah!! cham ah.. she OGL, later sure ask us to dacne one... But somehow, things did not turn out as expected. She turned out to be an understanding and rational person. This is truly admirable.

There are lots of different people in our class.. But somehow, we managed to blend in so well, we seem to be living together for aged already. As you people had mentioned, our bond is strengthing and is unbreakable as our class tee suggested haha... I think the main force that contributes to this fostering of bonds is the fun we have together and our class spirit.. wooo... sounds scary, got spirit leh.. haha... I think this is the only class in the whole of JJC that is so united. I have friends in other class, but none of them, not even one, feels that their class is united.. In terms of studies, we might not top the chart(though we aren't that far away =P), but in terms of fun and laughter, we are no. 1!!! hehe... Somehow, when i am feeling down, S28 never fails to cheer me up.. Our source of laughter is indepletable. Of course, there must be a man behind this class, and he is none other than our CT Mr Sia.

Mr Sia... hmmmm... I truly respect him.. Why? because he deserved it haha... He is an easy going person, and very much likable. His lectures are interesting and fun.. He has the power to make us laugh and learn at the same time. In fact, he was the deciding factor that made me choose this subject combination during my 2nd intake. With teachers like him, I got the kind of an quan gan, and felt that i was in safe hands. He really takes care of us and guide us along the way. Although he keep saying a slack ka liao, but I understand he is nagging for my own good. So i don't really hate it so much. If he doesn't even bother about me, than i think i am a goner. When i chose to take up the FES, i was just following my gut feeling.. And I didn't regret it, u would know why if you saw my last entry. However, I would really like to apologise to Mr Sia for causing him to worry. Anyway, this CT of ours is a very understanding person. Whenever we need any help, he would offer it without having to be asked. He is like our papa and mama, always there for us. So if any one feels otherwise about him, well, i cannot stop you but i must say this; if wasn't for him, i would not be who i am today.

Wah.. unknowingly, I have been thinking through my almost a year at JJC... And i think the best thing to be here is to be in this class.. 05S28 is the best!!! hope we will stay together next year, if we can't than than cry lor... haha.. No lah, i believe that we can. But so happens if there is any mishap, I will miss you guys...

Take Care!! (i noticed many ppl are falling sick recently, including myself haha)

Da Xiong!!


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