Monday, October 17, 2005


hmm.. after promo.. e study mood.. e study momentum.. all gone liao le.. jia lat sia.. now slowly slowly trying hard to gain back.. hahaz.. really a struggle to concentrate.. esp vectors la.. wah.. don't know what it's all about.. trying to develop feelings for it now.. hahaz.. anyway.. u guys all jia you too bah.. hmm no more slacking liao..

ever since that big sickness, i like in holiday mood liao.. keep thinking that holiday is 1 more week.. then today after i returned mr sia's bag.. i thought is break liao la.. then i went to canteen but see nobody.. then i wonder where u guys went.. then suddenly thought not break arh? hahaz.. that'z why i'm late.. =X

k la.. shall stop slacking le.. let's jia you bah.. hahaz..

take care guys..

[J]in [L]in
yong yuan 05nian 28ban


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