Friday, August 18, 2006

to do list

alright.. the 3rd last to do list for his term.. sounds frightening.. hahaz..

hmm.. nothing much happening this week.. except tues got "grad nite" briefing.. quite sian diao actually, other than being able to enjoy our grad nite together.. imagine appro 3000 people there.. with maybe more than 90% strangers.. k.. but glad that everyone is going! hoorah! hahaz.. oh ya.. for seating.. we draw lots want? hahaz.. sounds more interesting right? rather than the usual ones sitting together.. hahaz..

k la.. let's see what homework we have then..

Dr Homework says,"...
1. Mr Yeo integration revision exe

2. Chemistry electrochem revision exe

3. Chemistry organic revision exe

4. GP - read through the compre passage then Mon do in class

5. Physics do year 2003 data analysis Qn

Dr test says, "...
1. Mr Sia test on linear spaces, eigenvalues cum vectors onWednesday

2. Usual MCQ test

Got miss out anything? Feel free to tag!

Dr secretary says, "...
1. Monday bring tie

2. Monday after GP @ 3pm got Mr Sia extra lesson to go through assignment 15

hmm.. alright.. that's all bah.. anyway chem MCQ ans is up! yep..

work hard and rest well too!

[J]in [L]in


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