Saturday, August 12, 2006

to do list

hmm.. alright.. today woke up terribly.. didn't slept well last night.. due to some scary experience.. don't know why sometimes will experience it.. nevermind.. too chim to blog.. hahaz..

so it's a month time to prelims.. yep.. jia you!

1. Mr Sia revision exercise

2. Physics SAJC paper 3

3. Physics TYS on data analysis Qn from year 2004 and 2003

4. Physics Qn on thermody ( haven't collected yet)

5. Chemistry MCQ ( SDSM k?)

6. Chemistry revision exercise on reaction kinetics

7. GP essay from the VJC Qns..

8. Chemistry Option topic thermodynamics do Tutorial 3

1. Mr Yeo test next thurs on SHM and rigid bodies (mechanics chpt 7 & 8)

2. Mr Sia test on 23 august on linear spaces, eigenvectors and values..

3. Usual MCQ tests...

hmm.. that's about it right? got miss out anything or type wrongly do tag ya?

Things to bring
1. Monday.. as usual.. Tie

2. Bring $12 for FM t shirt

that's all bah.. yep.. k la.. take lotsa care guys.. work hard and rest well.. =]

[J]in [L]in


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