Thursday, January 26, 2006


Hey guys! Its the CIP rep here.
Got a few suggestions.
Please respond with full enthusiam kay.
Thanks for yr support in advance.

  • Litter-picking (again?)
  • Tutor primary/secondary school dudes (maths of course)
  • visit old folk's homes / orphanage (its quite an experience actually)
  • start a campaign (this will be very intresting)
A little elaboration on the above mentioned points..

No creativity and sense of freshness if we are to pick litter and have class outing again. In my opinion, we should do a good CIP and tell pple abt how glorious it was. =)

How about tutoring school kids in the area which we all are strong in. (Cumon accept this fact, if not u wun take FM rite?!) There are a couple of primary & secondary schools around and I think we should consider both if we really want to. Primary school kids will cultivate patience to a larger extent but secondary dudes will pose a higher order of challenge (both in discipline n work). LOL.. Well... considerable..

Visiting old folk's homes and orphanages are ideas which always springs out during CIP brainstorming but which class actually votes this idea in the very end? I did not ( honest confession). It will be really a great eye opener and a good experience to try communicating with elders or a peer in a completely different background. However, interact club already serves this purpose which leaves us with a rebutal to reject the idea. (lets go on to the last point, we're there..)

This idea is a fresh idea of mine. How about us kick starting a campaign (small scale event) as a CIP? Its actually a very good idea. Y? Let me analyse:
  1. The planning may require some effort which will put our as-powerful-as-V-8 brains to good use. Good experience in planning something out of nothing.
  2. A creative and fun way to do CIP. This then is real service-learning la!
  3. Throughout the project, I foresee vast interactions opportunities between classmates (think straight!). So, its a good bonding session stretched over a long period of time.
  4. Cut the crap.. let me show u a crapy example..
Disc-card those unwanted CDs!

Aim: recycle unwanted CDs to collage art pieces for the recycling board or the college to display.

  • collect unwanted CDs from vast sources.
  • contact and lias with organisations to see whether they will want such a project to help them.
  • putting brains together to create junk art.
Learning points: too many to state...........

Conclusion: This is just an example.

So people, please take note of my suggestions (esp my CIP assistant) LOL

Stay cool~ Enjoy CNY =D


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