Saturday, January 14, 2006


hey guys.. got something need to blog about.. regarding latest change of physics teacher.. yep..

i sms mr sia to ask about petition stuff.. cause a few wanted.. then he called today..

hmm.. it makes sense la..

he said it's better to attend the first lesson and see how.. yep.. if not we'll be like one-sided.. just listening to what others or rather the J2s said.. yep..

so let's give him a chance k, class? don't be biased by what we heard.. though i agreed that my first reaction is also negative too.. yep.. let's erase whatever we've heard about him and attend his lesson as though he's a totally new teacher.. hmm.. hopefully you guys get what i mean..

[J]in [L]in
*anyway.. esp to zhiyao.. i guess u don noe wat i'm tokin bout.. accordin to our new time table.. our physics trh has changed to mr thomas tan.. yep*


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