Tuesday, December 06, 2005


HaiZ~~ Todae is a bad dae 4 me~~

Early morning late sia~~ Meet binhao at 8 but i reach at onli arnd 810~~ Due to tat 2pid ezlink card machine. I topped up my ezlink at boon lay mrt... Wa kaoz... my card gt stuck inside the machine... Quickly go ask 4 help... 10 mins later, den i gt back my card... My card now the shape... Super "nice" sia...

Theres a jam early morning... Sitting at the back of the lorry, i sniffed in lots of "fresh" air sia... Making my morning very bad sia~~

Den working still ok la... Dunno why very hard 2 concentrate sia... No mood to do... Den todae gt challenge wif binhao who unpack faster~~ At least this made me happier~~ lol... Gt fun... Binhao win and stood down there watching instead of helping me... Ha~~ Ok la... Who ask me b4 tat dun 1 2 help him... Becoz of tat challenge, i gt cuts on my index finger due to the boxes...

On the way back, i feel very giddy sia... Feel like vommitting~~ Luckily i didnt... Ha... If nt uncle gonna scold me... 1st time so fast gt that giddy feeling~~ Den binhao need 2 go marina... So the uncle let him alight somewhere near the mrt station... Nt tat near afterall... Me also follow coz i cannot tahan tat lorry ride le!!!
Den we was searching 4 the mrt station... That uncle bluff us la... Is nt located behind the red building lor~~ We need 2 walk approx 600m bah... Den can see the station... luckily gt binhao arnd me sia.. He's the one who manage 2 find the mrt station... If i was alone... I may not have been so observant~~

HaiZ~~ Decided to walk home todae frm boon lay int... Was thinking of sth while walking~~ Almost didnt see a car approaching jiu jaywalk... Luckily i gt stopped in time... Den later... wa kaoZ tripped over sth... I hit my right knee hard on the ground... Nvm la... Blue black lor... Muz think in this way... luckily my head didnt land 1st...

Thats the end of my dae... Hope tml i wake up will be a better day.. Muz hope i can slp 1st... Like no mood sia~~


Mingyang~~ my fifth entry.. (win beng kian 1 entry... LOL..)


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