Monday, November 28, 2005


hahaz.. just came back from 15min of running and climbing stairs.. so short because tomorrow still going MacRitchie to run mah.. hmm.. hopefully.. it doesn't rain tomorrow.. hahaz.. then i won't wake up so early for nothing again.. 2 times liao le.. hahaz..

oh ya.. meihong.. i think it's better to run then climb stairs.. meaning maybe run for about 10min then go climb a flight of stairs.. something like a circuit(spell like that right? hahaz..) bah.. yep.. include everything within 40min loh.. then won't feel so giddy maybe.. hmm.. actually climbing stairs alone quite scary.. hahaz.. because u're tired and u won't know whether got anyone following u not.. hahaz.. k.. i think too much liao.. hmm.. still remember last time we netball girls went to run stairs.. 18 storey de i think.. then 3 times.. hahaz.. so many girls climb or rather run up the stairs.. fun la.. kept encouraging each other.. then even got chat but not long la.. no breath arh run till.. oh ya.. i think running up the stairs can train leg also leh.. hahaz.. because u'll run till your legs "sour sour" mah.. then push further.. slowly it'll improve ur leg strength.. hahaz..

hmm.. talking about running.. at 1st actually i joined track for short distance runner de.. don't know leh.. i love running short distance.. got the passion.. the feeling of sprinting at your fastest speed is extremely great la.. like flying like that.. hahaz.. at 1st from April to June quite consistent training i would say.. also because of the Wings competition in June.. then after that.. BOOM.. all gone.. no come for training liao le.. =X so i started running long distance loh.. it's boring or rather stupid training shprt distance alone.. yep.. or rather for whatever distance or sports, it's a no no thing bah.. what is a team for? hahaz.. hmm.. then June i'm buying running shoes.. so i thought through alot.. because if i'm going to stick to short distance, i'll buy spike shoes.. if not i'll buy jogging shoes.. ya.. i don't want to spend too much money on sports shoes.. hahaz.. so i finally decided.. hahaz.. bought jogging shoes.. hmm.. k.. so i not sprinting liao le.. haiz.. oh ya.. one more thing i love sprinting is because it's short de.. distance la.. hmm.. maybe because my stamina not that good also bah.. frankly speaking, i still not very used to very long distance(4km and above).. my body still cant get used to it.. so sometimes will feel giddy.. i hate that feeling sia.. that feeling of giddiness and wanting to vomit.. it's like a torture la.. because want vomit out but also cannot.. hahaz.. i say till running very horrible.. but actually not la.. it takes time.. everything takes time ya? slowly slowly when the body gets used to it le then one may love running.. actually running is very fun sometimes.. hahaz.. i think it's very great to run at an unknown place.. because u won't know when u'll end e run.. so u'll keep running and running.. hahaz.. running is sorta a kind of freedom stuff.. running freely.. hahaz..

k la.. shall go and get some food to eat liao le.. hahaz.. also smelly smelly le.. my perspiration.. ya.. =X

[J]in [L]in
*running is fun*


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