Thursday, November 10, 2005


Did a pretty bo liao stuff that took around 1 hour of my time.

i uploaded some pix from my phone and i decided to add some .. erm .. stuff...

will do more when i am free kayx .

First up, JinLin's famous Gong Fu leg, i dunno why its in my handphone -.-"

Next up, a pouting Sophie sitting on the floor at Yee Loong's house.

Wah .. this LAGI best ah -.- .. NO COMMENTS . =x

Next is the story of a Pasar Malam auntie and the story of her bags . =x

Can u believe it , after all this , i grew tired. hey, uploading picx takes alot of time kae ?

kk i shall post some untampered pics on the scenary and turtles of the water catchment area near Yee Loong's house ( i cant spell reservoir )

This magnificant picture was taken when it was about to rain. (while i was still cycling with Beng Kian) . btw . the route is damn ^*%$%^@#$#&#&# long -.-

Next would be some pictures of cute determined little turtles who fought through obstacles in order to attain the prize. ( at least thats wad i depicted it as -.- )

PS: i hate blogger SO SO MUCH . -.- so frustrating , just by linking pictures have took me more than 1 hour of time . arghx -.- anyway have fun browsing photos. =/



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