Saturday, November 12, 2005

November 12

Ok ... obviously today is nov 12 therefore the title is redundant .. but what other titles could i put? Hmm .. its my first time blogging but then the intention to blog has already been growing in me since quite some time ago. Thought about many things to blog but just lazy to put them down in words. U may ask me ... "then y blog today?" then i shall answer in a most unexpected way that u might have expected.. the answer is that I&R so sian.. I already started on my I&R ... yea .. i typed out the title " Insights and Reflections on Microsoft Word"
Something is better than nth right?
So fast one year pass le .. much faster than sec 4 .. as it seems to me. 05s28 also almost had 1 whole years of fun together le .. basketball..crapping etc.
Haiz.. i seem to forget what i going to blog about.. anyway .. now 1.50 am le but i dun feel slpy leh ... and in 10 more hrs time still have to make my way to sch .. dotz .. just to hand up I&R. as if the examiners will bother to examine in detail our I&R. They will just read once and anyhow grade .. PW finally over le ... relief? eh not sure .. haha suddenly i recap bout the pw meetings we had at Da Xiong's hse.. where Sophie always fight and quarell with Da Xiong over trival matters like hitting each others head etc .. -.-" opps i let the cat out of the bag... nvm next time i get a bigger bag and put a dog in it. Next time if go yee loong's hse will no longer be doing PW le. oh well..
Shall mark this blog entry's end with this sentence.. my I&R 's still waiting for me



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