Sunday, April 30, 2006

Human Nature

hmm.. getting abit bored.. so thought of something close to us.. human nature..

hmm.. i think there are certain characters of humans that are inherent.. the only difference is the extent that varies from one anther.. and the difference of whether we showed it out.. expressed it out in our daily..

so what are some of the characters that i've thought of? hmm.. just my random thoughts anyway.. may not apply to everyone la.. yep..

hmm.. firstly.. i think we are deceivers not only of others but of ourselves as well..

most of the time.. when something bad happened.. how often will you say, "i'm in the wrong?" and self-relfect where went wrong and what's wrong? hmm.. some may be extreme while others may be minor and of course there are also some who are true to themselves and others..

hmm.. this will lead to the next character which is similar to stubborn, determined..

hmm.. i think most people does have the element of stubborn.. it's only whether we showed it out infront of others or we showed it internally.. that's why it's hard for some to accept others' comment because one has fixed on one decision or mind-set and thinks that he or she is right and whatever others said are wrong..

this will bring in an important aspect of our life.. family and true friends.. they are the ones who will say true words that are the hardest for us to accept.. those who only say nice things are definitely passer-bys in life.. hmm.. this is my own opinion anyway.. yep.. may not be true in every case of course..

another character is selfish..

i guess it's really hard to be up to the standard of always think of others than yourself.. yep.. it's not something impossible.. and with such a competitive education system.. it'll only lead some youngsters to be so competitive that they don't share resources and teach others when in doubt.. but these people are quite rare bah.. in JJ i guess.. hahaz..

hmm.. alright.. hungry liao le.. gonna go eat..

anyway.. whatever i've typed are just my own thinking.. so feel free to agree of disagree bah..

[J]in [L]in
*nobody is perfect.. flaws are common but that isn't an excuse to not change them..


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