Saturday, February 18, 2006


hmm.. alright.. actually wanted to blog about yesterday but was really tired when i reached home.. yep..

i guess our class is very fit la.. alot are within the 1st 100 runners to come back.. i guess all of us had put in heart and soul to run.. well done guys.. jia you.. especially to guys because you going to be botak next year le.. and congrats to our top female runner! yeah! it's none other than MeiHong.. *guys, buck up arh.. hmm.. maybe should consider join track.. hahaz.. then be sophea no.2.. k.. talking no sense..*

after that.. actually wanted to watch movie de.. *abit guilty la.. because i was the one who asked who want to watch.. hmm.. paiseh hor.. =[ *

i was more attracted to the idea of kbox.. because can spend more time there mah.. then actually i quite like go there la.. go there with a group of friends.. it's very fun de.. yep.. *provided the sevise there is good.. and provided the room is problem-free..*

but i'm quite low at 1st la.. didn't use mike.. later then have.. hahaz.. *jinlin shy mah.. * hmm.. then got took a few photos.. and after 7pm.. got 1 gal zi high.. hahaz.. really funny la.. kept laughing.. hahaz.. and after we left.. i guess the person cleaning going to scold us in silence.. muhahaz.. because we.. were having peanuts-war? hahaz.. not our fault actually.. is them la.. $5 per bowl of peanuts.. then give.. then lousy one.. got that *** smell.. hahaz..

hmm.. that's about it la.. overall.. it's fun going kbox with your friends.. especially with.. people like jinlin.. hahaz.. jk la..i not so thick skin..

[J]in [L]in
the 1st step to success is to want the right thing, then being able to visualise it


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