Sunday, January 01, 2006

1st Jan 2006


1st to blog.. hahaz..

1st time watched great fantasic heaven-like fire works at highway..

1st time welcomed e new yr outisde..

1st time took e 2nd last mrt..

1st time drank M strawberry milk.. hahaz..

1st time stayed at friend's hs with u guys..

1st time heard hongyi's snore.. heez..

1st time ate Mac breakfast without brushing my teeth.. opps.. eee.. not mi only loh.. ahhaz..

1st time went JP at 8.30am..

1st time reach hm at 10am..

1st time typed sooooo many "1st time".. hahaz..

k la.. shall end here for e 1st time..


yr 2006 will b great yr.. yeah.. all e best to u guys in wateva u do.. jia you.. let us all go to next yr college day.. not being audience.. hahaz..

rest well and finish up all ur hw bah.. heez.. let's countdown to sch reopen.. hahaz.. 45 hrs plus from now.. J2 le.. wow.. so fast sia.. hahaz..

[J]in [L]in


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