Saturday, December 24, 2005

some tots before year 2006

year 2006 is arriving soon.. very fast.. extremely fast.. and year 2005 is leaving.. shall keep it in my heart disk..

year 2005.. it's really a year.. jinlin grow up bah.. in terms of thinking i would say.. learn to handle things better.. really thanks to u guys la.. hahaz.. being a chairperson, i've learnt lotsa useful experiences.. 1st of all.. is i learn to be fair.. yep.. i cant take sides.. though sometimes i will instinctively.. but as time passed, i really learn to accept everyone le.. each n everyone has their own personality.. and one must really learn to understand one another, in order to be able to communicate well and work together.. it's really not easy for a class to unite together.. so i really feel very happie in this class..

hmm.. let me move back a little.. that's 1st 3 mth.. alright.. 1st 3 mth is also a very exciting period of time for mi.. lotsa things happened also.. happie, unhappie also have.. but i guess that's life bah.. life is full of ups and downs.. and it's these ups and downs that make up a wonderful life? it's them that cause us to mature and grow.. stretch and pull us to the maximun.. test our determination, patience, ability to control emotion, etc etc..

then 4th April.. hahaz.. our 1st time seeing each other.. but i couldn't rmb much actually.. i just rmb that at 1st i've a difficult time taking attendance la.. hahaz.. then kept asking names.. memory weak.. ahhaz.. i'm better at recognising bah..

hmm.. i guess we spent lotsa happie moments together.. yep.. litter picking @ East Coast.. mooncake festival.. birthday celebrations.. etc.. not so happie de.. i can only think of after promo.. yep.. e period whereby some have to drop sub, etc.. really can feel everyone's that kinda she bu de de xin qing..

hmm.. after this 9 mth together.. i can say there's a bond between each and everyone la.. to some is strong, to some there's still room for improvement bah.. hahaz.. ni xiang xing you bond jiu you bond.. ni xiang xing mei you bond jiu mei you bond.. hmm.. i love this phrase now la.. from e vampire show de.. ma da long.. hahaz.. it's quite useful also.. but basically it's making ur mind stronger la.. i mean it allows one to believe in oneself.. i believe anything feasible is possible..

hmm.. k la.. shall not blog anymore..

hey guys.. it's gonna be christmas.. gonna be new year.. and guess what? it's time to go back to school le.. time really flies.. shall cut away its wings one day.. hahaz.. time to homeworking le hor.. jia you bah..

let mi recap what home with have in e next entry..

[J]in [L]in


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