Saturday, October 29, 2005

=] dear class 05S28...[=

alrite.. after readin wat wei yuan's written.. i oso decided to write.. yep.. oso nth to do mah.. opps.. hahaz.. hmm.. hopefully everyone gets to read it.. yep.. it's all fr my pt of view nia..

Chian Wen
she definitely got that kinda big sister looks.. feels very comfortable wif her.. she's someone who wun hide her feelings de.. hahaz.. get wat i mean rite? heez.. very mature in her thinkin.. but she too got a cute side of her thou.. jia you for ur studies.. i believe u CMI.. Can Make It de.. hav faith in urself..

Li Ting
hahaz.. she's definitely a gal who catches everyone's attention sia.. her laughter, her voice.. my 1st impression is cute.. hahaz.. a lovable gal i would say.. although i nv really chat wif her much, i believe we'll hav lotsa chance next time de rite? yep.. hmm.. a smart gal too i would say.. she's a fast learner in class..

Qing Mei
hmm.. i tink most of us don really know her well bah.. mayb due to some reasons.. couldn't get along very well.. but i think she's someone who is real bah.. meaning she expresses herself out.. when she dislikes certain things she'll just say it out n wun act.. yep.. n ner chi.. one word.. pro arh.. hahaz..

Xiao Jun
she's definitely a nice gal who doesn't get angry easily.. cos everytime wenlong teased her, she didn't really get angry bah.. ( mayb inside cursing wen long.. ha.. JK la.. ) hmm.. can see e hard work she puts in her studies.. so continue to strive on k? u can do it de s long s u wan it.. yep.. a great friend to crap wif too.. hahaz..

Mei Hong
hmm.. got to know her better thru track.. yep.. 1st impression of her is cold cold type, very serious.. yep.. but later.. s time passed by.. realise she's a nice gal to b wif.. ( ming yang fortunate sia ) hmm.. sometimes.. she seems troubled n tired.. do share wif us if u're unhappie k? our ears r free for u.. open up urself n ur life will b even more beautiful..

her looks.. very unique i would say.. got that kinda charisma.. hav self-confidence n able to express herself out well.. that's gd thou.. yep.. really glad that u erase e tot of dropping f maths.. kill that tot k? don gif up easily.. where there's a will, there's a way.. so continue to work hard n surpass ur own potential..

hahaz.. tis gal here.. lotsa things to say.. but will keep short (to b fair).. our frienship starts after sleeping together.. opps.. she's a gal who i can confide in.. a gal who is well-liked.. a gal who u won't feel bored wif.. a gal who is very sincere.. a gal who is resposible.. a gal who laughs alot, drinks alot.. u can do it s long s u put in effort.. so jia you bah..

Jia Yi
tis gal here.. a sweet gal.. got to know her better thru PW.. hav quite a few chats wif her, esp after PW meetings.. able to confide in her sometimes too.. she's someone who expresses her emotions out n will do things she likes to.. sensitive to others n treat her friends very good de.. yep.. wif e passion, u can succeed de..

let mi continue wif e remainin 16 gals bah.. opps.. hahaz.. jk la.. actually u guys r great..

Hao Chun
most of u might find him quiet, shy.. but i tink he isn't bah.. just that he lacks of self-confidence.. actually he can joke too.. ahhaz.. remembered he once teased mi.. hahaz.. actually he's very nice n helpful.. definitely someone who won't betray friends.. hav faith in urself k? u r wat u believe u r.. do open up urself bah..

Zhi Yao
hmm.. tis guy here.. u're responsible in orientation.. but one who is responsible should b responsible in all matters he's involved in.. yep.. u've confidence i urself.. but do mix more wif us bah.. only then can we know more bout u.. sometimes find that u got 2 sides.. mayb i don know u well bah.. hmm.. u can get wat u wan s long s u're sincere n willing to put in effort..

Bin Hao
u're a nice guy who mixes well wif others.. someone who is true to others n very easy-going.. but one thing not so good is that u lack of confidence in urself? hmm.. u muz b more decisive.. if u wan it, then grab it.. don a while wan a while don wan.. yep.. so do spend sometime n think of wat u wan in life, only then wil u succeed.. jia you bah..

Jun Long
hmm.. frankly speaking.. a 1st didn't really hav a good impression of u.. after s time passed by.. i can see e nice side of u.. u're willing to socialise wif us.. n being our chem rep, u've been responsible.. hmm.. u're someone who is persistent in ur own thinking.. yep.. hav more confidence in urself n work hard bah..

Ming Yang
hey president! hahaz.. tis guy here.. sometimes i find him quite insensitive thou.. esp towards gals (exclude ur wife).. hahaz.. but he's a nice guy after all.. able to gif advice to mi.. n help solve prob.. a very smart guy who has passion in studies too bah.. esp Chem.. oh ya.. it's great if u can erase those crude words when speaking.. hahaz.. he's ambitious too i tink.. don stress urself up..

tis guy here.. hahaz.. get to know him better s he's in my PW grp.. yep.. very crappy.. at 1st i find him very not serious.. but after that, actually not so la.. hmm.. mayb i don really know u well, so sometimes find ur actions abit weird.. but now ok liao.. hahaz.. al least when i ask him qn, he'll ans truthfully.. yep.. do socialise more wif our class bah..

Wen Long
hmm.. tis guy here.. hav a good impression of him thou.. but sometimes he's bad when he teased xiao jun n liting.. hahaz.. hmm.. he's a smart guy who is serious in his work.. but his crap oso does lighten our class up.. a nice guy i think.. a filial son bah.. cos when he speaks to his mum, he sounds gentle.. then got once called him, got a shock a 1st.. cos he sounds too gentle? hahaz.. u've a bright future thou..

Yee Loong
our class da xiong.. hahaz.. a funny guy who has a cute side of him.. very easy-going n treats his friends well.. someone who is well-liked by others.. when he bu shuang certain things, he'll express it out.. hmm.. a quick thinker in studies n hav self-esteem too.. u too hav a bright future.. so continue to strive forward bah.. u can do it de..

Hong Yi
tis guy here.. definitely got e leader look.. yep.. ODAC president jia you wor.. you lao po le.. but don neglect studies k? hahaz.. hmm.. he has self-esteem but do b more firm when speaking bah.. yep.. u can get wat u wan s long s u strive for it.. so jia you bah.. continue to work hard n strive for better gardes..

Kok Sin
tis guy here.. hahaz.. very crappy indeed.. e founder of no link game.. hahaz.. hmm.. he oso seldom mix wif our class gals.. yep.. mayb bcos.. ya.. hahaz.. a nice guy after all, but my friend said u sometimes bullied her.. hahaz.. hmm.. he's a smart guy too, juz that he muz b more consistent in his work.. so do work hard k?

another crappy guy in our class.. hahaz.. know him since 1st 3 mth.. can socialise very well wif others.. someone who is well-liked by others too.. hmm.. he treats his friends very well n is sensitive to other's feelings.. yep.. he's smart in his studies too, just that he needs to put in more effort.. so jia you bah..

Ming Xiong
hmm.. tis guy here.. a very responsible grp member.. hahaz.. always help mi out, esp when it comes to language stuff.. although he seems cold cold de, he's quite nice actually.. hmm... he's oso very serious in his studies.. n will strive hard to get wat he wan.. yep.. he's definitely someone who loves physics n cars.. hahaz..

Wei Yuan
tis guy here.. i believe all of us can see e efforts he's put in our class.. set up friendster, class blog.. hmm.. he's a nice guy thou.. but he has a negative mindset.. hopefully our class can change him into someone positive.. yep.. mayb his negative mindset is due to his sad experiences n lack of self-confidence bah.. hav faith in urself k? jia you bah..

Beng Kian
our vice class rep.. he's definitely responsible.. yep.. always help to disseminate msg n reminders to e class.. really thanz alot wor.. hahaz.. hmm.. thou he's quite quiet n seldom mix wif e gals.. mayb lack of self-esteem bah.. hmm.. he's very easy-going aniwae.. can socialise very well wif others.. s for his studies, he muz b consistent in his revision.. so continue to strive hard bah..

Yao Jun
tis guy here.. definitely very enthusiastic de.. yep.. can see fr his passion in being an OGL.. hmm.. if u really love to get involved in oreintation, then do ur best k? but don neglect ur studies.. yep.. aniwae.. do socialise wif e class more.. i believe we'll wan to know more bout u..

Jing Ngei
yeah.. finally e last person.. haahz.. spent bout 2 hrs plus liao sia.. ahhaz.. hmm.. jing ngei.. he's definitely a responsible physics rep.. someone who is easy-going n able to socialise well wif others.. a nice guy indeed.. n willing to help others willingly.. hmm.. continue to strive for better grades k? jai you bah.. ni ke yi de..

yeah.. finish le.. ahhaz.. love u guys lots.. jia you for AO chi k? let it b last time doing chi exam.. life is full of choices, we do b decisive n know wat u wan in life n strive for it..

[J]in [L]in
nice day


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