Friday, October 28, 2005


WARNING:Disgustingly long post.

I'll hafta admit that before i decided on doing this post i was quite apprehensive. Firstly, I'll hafta write views on EVERYONE, so mostly mean-i would offend SOMEONE. Secondly, writing views on 24 people quite difficult lehz.

But i thought, "Heck, i dun give a damn about offending SOMEONE and i'll just write short and simple ones."

So, here it goes.

Eh, start off with Chian Wen ba. Initially, impression of you not very nice, cuz i thought u quite fierce... No no no, dun scream at me yet. Recently got to know you better and realise you're very... what's the word? Erm, feminine ba. Hahaz.... LZ worz.

Liting ar. No need to say la. Tink say liaoz oso same things, ahahahaz. Juz try and make up ur mind between ZX and NMXZ ba.

Jiayi. Also, initial impression of you not very nice, but then realise you quite a nice friend to have, quite observant and caring towards friends. Lucky Kenny, hahaz..

Serene. Izzit ur hanging out with liting that made ur laughter that infectious as well or wad?(can imagine liting looking at me fiercely now) Anyway, at first thought you got great calibre to be newscaster, cuz i thought ur voice very nice(not including laughter). Though you probably wouldn't be reading this... But be nice to choon **** can? Ahahahahz.

Xiaojun. AUNTIE! No la, dun tink you look auntie like la, just a little darker than thin so they say u auntie. I'll have to admit i still dunno u as well, but i know you have a rather likeable personality. Hahahz.

Qingmei ar.. Erm, probability of you reading is like equal to having Wen long not shit for one day, but i know i can't write much cuz i dunno u at all! Pai seh la.. U leaving S'pore le izzit? Hao ba, 一路顺风. My greatest regret is losing to u in chinese. Hahaz.

Meihong ar. How many years liao har? 5 years lehz. And impression of you never change a bit. Quiet(not all the time anyway), very乖乖, results damn good. Dun be angry ok? I tell Mingyang to buy 王子变青蛙 for u horx....

Sophie. Rather violent, i tink ming xiong still suffering concussion from your 寒冰绵掌 on his head. No wonder he still so noob*oops*. And hor, drink so much water. I am amazed at ur ability to finish that humongous-ly big bottle in 2 hours time la, ur body need that much water to sustain meh?.. Jk jk, hahaz. One more thing: dun u get tired from talking THAT fast?

Jinlin. Writing this make the others 想歪歪. Dun care. Ur tenacity as class rep really amazes me la, so dedicated, not to mention ur work, its like u put everything into it; gd example would be the OP lohz. Budden tok like no link liddat, hahahaz… Anyways, eat more papaya and beat mingyang nxt year horx.

That's the girls. Here's the guys.

Mingyang. Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya. Think sec 4 come 4/5 to bio meihong think i dunno rite? No wonder give out cards oso like veri distracted.... Hao la. Dun tease u le. PW group leader lehz, siao siao. Not only did u contribute to the group's PW, you oso contribute to my MP3 songs collection..... HAHAHz. Oh ya, buy王子变青蛙for meihong la. Otherwise, you go wear 青蛙costume and act for her lohz. She be 天喻you be Dang Ou. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAZ.

Bin hao. BIN HAO~~~~ Y miracle never happen to us~~ First met u in JJ during first 3 mths, if never remember wrongly you asked a lot of 欠扁问答题 rite? hahahz. Now, i think u r one of the nicest guy i've ever met la. Careful, ppl might just take advantage of that, put ur slyness in the basketball court into real life lohz.. Hahaz. Very nice, no 心机, nice towards everyone, then oso quite joker la, u r the one who started "Wenlong say..." rite? I can only say I'll miss u dearly next year. But, frens forever ok? hahahaz. Next time c u dance Chinese dance for the class worx.

Beng Kian. Wah, mastermind, i scare u plot against me lehz. U r one of the guys who made me the most surprised, ciz under that deceptive mask of nerdy-nessnice-ness lies a blardy farni joker la. Ahahahz.

Zhi yao, u basket, where's my waist? Now stil pain lehz. hahahahz. Unlike ur size ur like a gentle giant la. Think play basketball if u use ur size advantage no one in class can stop u le la. One example is how you make my waist pain for a week le. Thx ar...

Hao Chun. Again, another one who's chances of reading this is nil? Hahaz. Think early this year you stil quite pai seh pai seh liddat rite? But i think my our warmness melted you and became closer to us later on. Basketball played a part rite? hahaz. You changing class? If yes, hope we'll stay in touch kay?

Wen long. Maths olympiad, chem olympiad, phy olympiad, chinese olympiad, GP olympiad, basketball olympiad, shiting olympiad, S-papers. Enough or not? Or u stil wan more? HAHAHAz. Bin hao made u famous horx? hahahaz... Besides, u looking comically like Mark Lee, sing like Alex toh and sense of humour really tickles my funny bone. I think you have quite a future in the future entertainment biz la. First entertainer with Maths olympiad, chem olympiad, phy olympiad, chinese olympiad, GP olympiad, basketball olympiad, shiting olympiad, S-papers background lehz.

Mingxiong. Actually, initially dun quite like you de lehz. But recently found something to talk to u with, which is our common plight of getting 54 for chem-_- hahaz. Just be more gentle nxt time, hahaz.

Kennnnnnnny~ I think u have quite an infectious laughter as well la, hear u luff oso wanna luff. Also, i think ur one of the more handsome guys in class la, cuz ur dimples quite nice. And ya, continue to win Zhiyao over those fake-quarrels u have; zhiyao always laughs before u do. Hahahz.

Yee Loong. Eh, how long have i not said "MAN 一点可以吗?" Hahaz, now no nid, u very manly le. hahahaz. Think u oso one of the nice guys lohz, like nice to everyone and always smile. Da xiong so ke ai de, hahahahz..

F4. Probably the group of guys i know least of cuz i seldom converse with u all. But anyways, carry on ur farni antics ba, rock on kay? hahaz..

Hongyi and Kok sin. Put u 2 together for a simple reason. I c u 2 as my brothers, confidante. Kok sin ar, u damn fei la, can be less 废or not? Hong yi lehz, sometimes like a bit crazy liddat, do strange moves or sounds out of nth. Really glad for u 2 as u have ur own lao pos. Although a bit jealous but stil happy for u 2 anyway. Thx brudders!

Yeap. Last but not least. Wei yuan! i think u r the nicest, handsome-est, funniest, friendliest..........


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