Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hmm.. Now taking a break from studying Mr Sia's test tomorrow.. Listening to one of my favourite singers, Zhang Dong Liang's new album, Only Nicholas 主打張棟梁 .. Nice Nice.. I still thinking to buy this album or not.. Haha.. Anyway, just wondering anyone from our class watch the Channel U 10pm show, 大长今?.. At first I thought it was not to my liking.. However, after watching the first episode.. It becomes a must for me to watch everyday.. Haha.. Highly recommended.. Oh ya, I also want to share a forum my friend's Wei Qing told me long long ago.. Here it is: http://www.tianyuan.net.. A good place to go when you are feeling bored online.. Haha.. Eh.. Also the movie which I watched recently, The Shaggy Dog was really a nice movie.. Do watch with your friends if can.. I do not mind to watch it again.. Haha.. Ok.. Take care and good luck for tomorrow test.. [L]emon


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