Sunday, October 09, 2005

Yeah ! The class's blog is up.. Haha.. I can use this to blog about myself too.. Actually, I have been thinking to re-blog or not since I closed my blog in January due to my laziness.. However, well.. I sort of decided not to have my own blog.. though I always have things in my mind which how much I could put them in a blog.. Ok next topic..

Today my pw group went to binhao's house to do for our oral presentation.. I thought I was late.. When I reached yew tee mrt station at 10.35am.. I saw none.. dots.. I was sort of rushing as I woke up at 10am.. Haha.. Then later lunch we had at the food court at yew tee.. 4 of us ate japanese food.. yummy!! I love jap food. Haha.. And the stall has so many varieties.. Made me wanna buy it.. Haha.. However, after eating 7/8 of it.. I suddenly feel so full.. dots.. cant even finishing drinking my favourite drink, ice lemon tea.. then on the way back, my stomach was not feeling good.. haha.. the details after this wont be further elaborate.. we managed to finish the overall content for our op.. have satisfaction.. haha.. of course as usual, we will play bridge whenever we have pw together.. haha.. liting introduced a game site to us.. i forget the url.. hehe.. quite fun but brain cells killing.. haha.. then later we left around 5..

hmm.. had roasted chicken wings + rice for dinner.. cant finish.. haha.. then while eating and watching the channel 8, 6.30 news.. something made me lol.. this news was from a zoo in china.. the zookeeper was feeding two lions a live buffalo as their dinner.. instead of the lions attacking the buffalo, the buffalo was attacking them and the lions were simply defending themselves.. dots.. and the cute heading was: lion-king of the animal kingdom? lol.. the scene was funni la.. perhap lion is not the king anymore?.. haha

Yeah then around 7.45pm.. check my computer.. the server is finally back.. always the same thing happening every week.. this stupid server will be down every friday after around 8 pm till sat around 1pm.. then it will be down again around 4pm.. and be back around 8pm.. dots.. -.-" ya.. then now I am mapling while typing this entry.. Haha.. actualli don't even want to play one.. then my friend sort of tempt me to play again on the day after phy paper.. Haha..

Ok la.. sort of a long entry.. tomorrow I will be going orchard to watch mayday at hello@orchard.. actualli they are having autograph session for their album.. but I not going to have it signed.. weird me? cause I feel that signatures on it will make my album cover looks sort of 'ugly'.. i'm a bit perfectionist lah.. haha.. so just watch them sing finish and rush to bishan junction 8 for them to sign their final home concert ticket.. yeah!! And I manage to get the most ex ticket.. so happy!! thanks to the mayday club president for her help!! =] cause before the ticket is sold openly to the public.. all the most ex tickets were sold out.. dots -.-" never mind.. haha.. cant wait for tomorrow and their actual concert.. hehe..

Ok school gonna reopen soon.. sian.. Haha.. take care everyone and good nite.. going back to maple to at least gain a level more before I go sleep.. see ya ^^ -Love, [L]emon


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