Sunday, October 09, 2005

A memorable sunday with mayday...

I went to hello@orchard today to see mayday for their album autograph session.. Reached there at 2.10pm.. Supposed to start at 2.30pm.. I waited for about an hour before they came around 3pm.. Though I'm sweating and tired.. But it's worth it =].. Oh ya, while waiting, I saw a few jj people when I turned to the back.. Then saw shujun.. Haha.. So I called her.. She's so shocked to see me.. Haha.. She was with her classmates who were coming to see mayday also.. Haha..

I stood at the side of the stage to watch mayday.. They sang 5 songs today including zhi zu, ya guan, luan shi fu shen, lian ai-ing and ting bu dao.. Yeah man! Everyone was like jumping up and down and sang together with mayday.. Haha.. Ashin very handsome man!.. Hehe.. When he looked at the side of the stage at us.. Omg! My heart was like.. Haha.. Eye contact with us.. including me.. Haha.. Omg! Monster very muscular.. Hehe.. The 5 of them so humorous.. Ashin especially.. So cute!! Hehe.. Then later, before they started to sign.. some staffs from Mediacorp were having a short interview with them on the stage.. So look out for them on tv ah! Haha.. Then when they started to sign albums.. I went to bishan junction 8 to get ready for them to sign my concert ticket..

Wah.. the queue there was so long lah.. I queued quite long before I got my ticket to be signed.. With the concert ticket, I got a free mayday final home concert's poster which I could choose either the poster or ticket to be signed.. I decided to have my poster signed.. After signing, each of them will have a hand shake with you.. Omg!! This is the best part.. I got to look at them closer.. Only a table distance.. Haha.. And I got to have hand shake with 5 of them.. Omg!! And they would smile at you so sweetly.. Monster even said hello to me!!.. Ashin's smile really melted my heart la.. Omg!! Haha.. maybe I will not wash my hand from then on.. Lol..

Haha.. I can't wait for their concert to come.. Oh before that, I need to go search for a nice red top for their concert as they hope everyone can wear red on that day and I don't even have any red clothes in my cupboard la.. Dots.. Anyway, it was really a memorable sunday with mayday! They rocks!! (Haha.. and now I'm listening to their zhi zu album again while typing this.. Hehe)

...signing off, [L]emon =]

Oh ya.. I forgot to mention this.. (I remembered it when I was mapling.. So this is an add on).. After mayday finished signing, they went to mediacorp to record the show, superfunkies.. So if I not wrong, next week will be mayday.. So remember to watch them.. Haha.. Oops..


At 9:13 PM, Blogger [h]appy [b]ell said...

o my.... haha.. ya saw you today. and yes i was shocked. had to stand in that sweltering heat with you. they had the audacity to make me wait for an extra 35 mins. i counted every single one of them. I WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN. I WILL NOT!! haha. next time i pei you go shopping for your red shirt ba... mayday-crazy-girl=)


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